
Permanent makeup involves having pigment implanted into the epidermis of the skin using a fine needle, similar to a tattoo, however, the process is less-painful.

The pigment used is usually mineral-based and the results last one to three years.

Infinity Permanent Makeup offers several different permanent makeup procedures: microblading, eyeliner, and lip shading.

photo of becky dawson

Meet Becky Dawson,

the talented, permanent cosmetics artist, and cosmetologist from Boonville, Indiana.

Not only is Becky a licensed cosmetologist with over 30 years of experience, she's also an entrepreneur and business owner! She owns Paradise Salon, one of Boonville's most-popular local businesses.

In early 2018, she decided to add microblading and other permanent cosmetics to her repertoire. She was awarded her certification through Elite Permanent Makeup and Training Center in Los Angeles, California.

Becky's mission is to empower women in the tri-state area with confidence by enhancing their naturally-beautiful appearance! She serves women of all ages, but specializes in helping older women rediscover their positive self-image through microblading, eyeliner, lip shading, and collagen rejuvenation therapy.

Call or text Becky, now, for a consultation!

(812) 573-9228 (mobile)

(812) 897-7800 (salon)

Infinity Permanent Makeup
Located in Paradise Salon
962 W Main St
Boonville, IN 47601


microblading technique

Microblading is a method of applying permanent makeup by manually-inserting pigment into the upper layers of the skin to give the impression of fullness and shape to the eyebrows.

It is applied using a manual blade so strokes are sharp and crisp. The results of this method should look natural and just like natural hair.

During a microblading procedure, your technician takes measurements on your brow bone and customizes the perfect shape for your brows.

The initial procedure usually takes between two to three hours, and at least one touch-up will be needed to obtain your final results.

The healing process is relatively quick, however, the final results may not be visible until several weeks after your appointment because of how the skin heals.

The results will not wash off and usually lasts one to three years. Annual touch-ups will provide longer-term results.

microblading result